Make sure a replica of the Space Shuttle will be available again to carry the owner, Leslie Alexander, and the coach. Find a seat this time for the general manager, and, of course, LeBron James if that's where he wants to ride. It's good to be the king.
Other players, especially the big, goofy kid, Dwight Howard, will be happy on fire trucks again, like the Rockets of 1994 and '95 were when they won the franchise's two NBA championships. Painting stripes on the streets along the parade route red and gold was a nice touch. Do that again. While at it, paint the whole darn town red and gold.
Excuse me? What is Pat Riley saying?
Get a grip?
That was Riley's instruction to South Florida's "media, Heat players, organization, all of our fans,'' after Miami lost in the Finals 10 days ago to San Antonio and began facing the prospect of a future without the Big Three.
That prospect may or may not have become more real Tuesday, when the Big One, James, opted out of the final two years of his contract. He will become a free agent July 1.
That doesn't necessarily mean James is leaving for Houston or anywhere else. It could mean he, along with the Other Two who can opt out by Monday, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh, are merely taking formal steps required for the Heat to restructure their contracts so the team can afford a better supporting cast.
Speculation is the trio wouldn't mind becoming a quartet with the addition of Carmelo Anthony, who opted out of the final year of his contract Monday with the Knicks.
Some said Riley in his "I think everybody needs to get a grip'' speech challenged James, when the Heat president said "you got to stay together, if you've got the guts. And you don't find the first door and run out of it.''
Riley is an amateur psychologist. But that was no psychological ploy. Riley is much too clever to have called out James without calling him first to tell him word-for-word what he was going to say.
James probably approved because Riley, when referring to the Big Three, also said, "I didn't come down here 19 years ago for a quick trip to South Beach and a suntan. … I don't think they did, either.''
But what if James does run out the door?
Daryl Morey should have his agent's numbers on speed dial so he can begin making his pitch as soon as the league allows. The Rockets' contingent met with Howard shortly after midnight on the first day of free agency last summer.
Many doubted the Rockets had a serious chance to sign Howard. There are fewer skeptics this year about the Rockets' chances with James, Bosh, Anthony or any other free agents.
Team officials aren't allowed to speak publicly about specific free agents until they have signed them, but Morey and CEO Tad Brown listed selling points in an interview last week with USA Today.
Morey said the Rockets represent stability, with one owner and four coaches since 1993 and two general managers since '96.
Brown said the Rockets represent 1.4 billion potential consumers in China.
"We're basically the de facto national team of China,'' Brown said, pointing out all Rockets' games are broadcast throughout Asia. "We deliver a reach that is greater than any other team in the NBA, on a global scale.''
When they are allowed to speak to James, they can tell him the Rockets would have a better Big Three with him than Miami had last season. Wade, 32, isn't the same player he was when James teamed with him four years ago. Bosh, 30, is too often forced to play out of position at center.
In Houston, James, 29, would play alongside Howard, in his prime at 28, and James Harden, 24. If players such as Chandler Parsons, 25, Pat Beverley, 25, and Terrence Jones, 22, continue to develop, the Rockets with James could win at least the four titles he believed the Heat would have by now.
James hinted recently he was leaning toward free agency when he said, "Being able to have flexibility as a professional, anyone, that's what we would all like. … There's a lot of times you're not in control of your future as a professional.''
He seems willing to listen. But not just to the Rockets.
Every team that thinks it has a chance will seek an audience with King James.
The Rockets will have competition.
They probably should also have a Plan B, as in Bosh.
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